Deep Madness: An atmospheric homage to sci-fi survival horror.

Doom: The Board Game: The influential tabletop iteration of the classic shooter.Mice and Mystics: A fairytale adventure perfect for younger players.Warhammer Quest: A storied part of dungeon-crawling history.Gloomhaven: The mammoth legacy cult hit.Descent: Journeys in the Dark - Second Edition: A fantasy-flavoured, action-packed classic crawler.One Deck Dungeon: A bitesize dice-filled dungeon delve.Mansions of Madness: Second Edition: An app-driven Lovecraftian horror story.Escape the Dark Castle: An elegant, atmospheric tribute to dark ‘80s fantasy.Star Wars: Imperial Assault: A campaign-based, asymmetrical co-op/competitive hybrid.Here are ten of the best dungeon-crawling games (and crawl-adjacent) tabletop games you can buy. If you haven’t touched a dungeon-crawler since HeroQuest, or are more familiar with Diablo than Descent, you’ll be pleased to learn how varied and ambitious the genre has become. What’s more, many of the games in the list below use either rules or app-based AI for the monsters, and emergent or pre-written storytelling, so they’re perfect for those times where nobody feels like being DM. Treasure! Traps! Tiles! Table space! Probably a dwarf somewhere! Whether you’re looking for a D&D-lite experience or just want to hit some kobolds with a big axe, dungeon-crawling board games are the perfect portal to a self-contained adventure.